A Message from the Executive Director

McDowell County, WV has been selected by the Retired Military Police Association to build their first youth retreat and hopefully we will build many more in the years to come. The second retreat is being planned for Virginia. This retreat has been in the planning stages since 1998. Our membership is composed of retired military police personnel as well as active and former military police and law enforcement officers. They have first hand knowledge and experience of what drug usage, and dysfunctional family life is doing to our youth and society. The retreat will have a controlled type environment for the youth assigned by the courts to our training program we will be working with both boys and girls. In some cases will request that the judge order the concerned parents to attend.
Our retreat site includes 300 acres on Lick Branch off Hwy 52, at Iaeger, WV. Our first building will be a small Chapel which we have already been issued a building permit from the county. In the future, we will also have a dormitory,
library, outdoor theater, nature trails, mountain climbing, map courses and sports areas. We will also have a large area set aside for our members and their families to camp.  There will also be a helicopter pad. Our retreat will be available to other organizations when we are not training.

We have a program called Drug Elimination Program Society (DEPS). We will be going into the school system and helping the children in whatever subjects we can, to achieve this goal. This will be one-on-one type training to gain the confidence of the child as well as learning. We have some highly knowledgeable and educated members in the RMPA to conduct the training as well as Army Special Forces in some phases of our programs. The motto of the RMPA is "Supporting Those Who Defend". This retreat will be made available to our fighting men and women and their families when possible. Any amount you can give to our worthwhile cause whether small or large will be appreciated. Tax exempt donations should be made payable to the RMPA and mailed to the Pioneer Community Bank PO Box 368 Iaeger, WV 24844.
The phone number is 304-938-5322.  (Our Tax ID No. is 56-1878743)






Mack H. Mullins
Executive Director